Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Applied A-Z of World Building

So CampNaNo is approaching in June and many members of my Writing Group are looking forward to it. I have two approaches to NaNoWriMo:
  1. I dig out an old story that I've never quite got around to writing: or
  2. I do the opposite and start on November the 1st with nothing and fly by the seat of my pants through the thirty days of November.
This June I've decided to take a different approach. My fellow writing group member and friend, Angeline Trevena, wrote an awesome series of blogs for the A-Z writing challenge on World Building. Because I am a maniac I've decided to follow those A-Z challenges approximately one a day until the 1st of June when I will attempt to come up with some characters and drop them into the world to find a story.

So things to note:
  1. The blog doesn't advise tackling things in this order. I'm the nutter who decided to do that.
  2. This is a completely blank world. I have not written anything on it yet, no characters, no plots.
  3. I'm going to attempt to minimise leakage from the topics so I design only around the topic, there probably will be some leakage as, for instance with day one, I can't design the academic world without knowing something of the magic system and the cultural areas.
  4. There are, when I started this, 24 days left until June the 1st and 26 letters of the alphabet so I will have to do a couple of days with two letters of the alphabet. 
And so to A... for Academia.


  1. You're so awesome! Of course, so am I, so it's all good.

  2. Good luck! (I'm hopping over from Angeline's blog. She said to bug you to blog more, so. . .Blog more!) :)
